Hi folks! I’m JT, I grew up around lots of vintage vacuum tube audio and test gear. I am an electronics engineer by day mostly working in the analog domain, and the last few years I have been realizing my lifelong dream of building out a hifi system which is currently based around the venerable Dynaco ST-70, which I completely restored and updated myself. I spent many years playing acoustic string music, which along with jazz is the major area of interest as far as vinyl goes.
Hi JT! Congrats on being the first contributor! Feel free to add ideas for the site in “site feedback” category!
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Which speakers are those? Are they a coax driver? Dig the setup!
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Hi Dusty! Those are in fact coaxial drivers, they are 12" Tannoy Monitor Royals, which are the Canadian import version of the HPD series. They are in cabinets that are probably a little undersized to get the most out of them, around 70 L, roughly the same as the Cheviot series. New foam surrounds and voice coils for the lf drivers were the only parts of this that I didn’t restore myself, I had to leave that one to the experts!
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